The Cousin Call is the Care Bear Cousins' version of the Care Bear Stare.
The Care Bears Movie[]
The first time the Cousin Call was attempted towards the end of The Care Bears Movie, the Cousins all made their respective animal sounds in an attempt to aid the Care Bears, but because they did not have belly badges, it had little to no effect.
The Cousin Call became most effective when the Cousins received their Belly Badges.
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation[]
They have belly badges which are musical notes.
In the The Care Bears Family series, the term "Cousin Call" is dropped and they just call it the "Care Bears Stare" like the rest of the family.
The effects are nearly identical to those of the Care Bear Stare, and most likely are rendered by the same general process (focusing the Cousin's emotions and caring into their symbol, thus projecting them outward).