Care Bear Wiki

In order to maintain the integrity of this site, please abide by the following


Only Child-Friendly content is allowed. This mean no porn, violence, swearing, racism, sexism, etc.

Please do not put your fan-fictions on this site. This is a database, not a fanfiction website. Child friendly fan art and fan videos are allowed, however.

As with any other website, harrassmentof any kind, bullying, and trolling will not be tolerated.

Please do not add content about other shows.

Don't make fun of this fandom, or other fandoms, since either would be a form of harassment or bullying.

Do not erase the rules page...we will know.

And finally:

If you are a villain who has a strong desire to eradicate the world of caring, kindness, etc, attacking this wiki won't do you any good. Everyone will figure it out if you are trying to frame the Care Bears of some mischeif you do.

If you must rant about your evil plots, just create a blog post to do so. We don't want you putting them on any of the pages because they are distracting, and it's unnecesary. If you create a blog post on your profile, people are more likely to pay attention to your evil plot. Heck, you may get some people to volunteer as your henchman!
